2013 in review

2013 ends today. It wasn’t a particularly easy year but it turned out to have a positive balance. I must keep the truth of things and say that there were many bad things, things that made me question, doubt, despair and look at the stars for hours looking for answers or just a bit of silence to listen and to feel myself. It was a year of difficult decisions, sleepless nights, lots of pros and cons analyses… for everything. 2013 was kind of a long battle that left me exhausted but happy to have succeeded in overcoming it. Winners? I do not know if there are any.

But it was a year with many good things, was a year that began with a big secret and that no major mishaps brought a new life into my life that held me from the first second. And living motherhood for the third time was even more magical and much easier than might be supposed.

It was a year of challenges to overcome me, to learn me, and above all to reconnect with me. 2013 brought me back the ability to talk hard things without shame or fear and re-taught me how important old friends are. And that has made all the difference. It’s easy to forget that I am not an island …

It was also a year of new friendships that I hope to keep for many years .

I hope 2014 is a good year, a productive year and if its not asking too much I wish 2014 to be a prosperous year. And what I wish for myself i wish for you! Happy 2014 !
