In Greek mythology, Penelope was the wife of Ulysses who went to the Trojan War and was absent for 20 years. As the absence of Ulysses was growing, Penelope’s father thought that his was dead and wanted his daughter to marry again, but Penelope believed that Ulysses was still alive and wanted to wait for his return,so she found a way to simultaneously satisfy her interests and her fathers. Penelope said to her father that she would marry again when finished weaving a shroud to offer to Ulysses father, and so she bagan weaving during day time for all to see, and at night, when she was alone she unweaved most of the woek she had made during the day, so that the shroud would never be done!
Sometimes I have projects that remind me of Penelope and her shroud! They just seems never to be right nor well made and so I’m always stichings or crocheting and them I just have to undo most os the work to try to make it right! And this projects just seem to take all the eternity to get done!
As this skirt that I fell in love as soon as I saw it in an Italian magazine that cost me a fortune! Although woolsare not the same the needle size is the same, which should make it somehow similar. Well, that didn’t happen!
I followed the instructions until I get enough of undoing my work and then decided to do it by eye, just my way of doing it!

Há aqueles projetos que dão gozo acabar e depois há aqueles projetos que quando estão acabados nos fazem sentir mais leves e levemente aliviadas.
Sobre esta saia já aqui tinha escrito. Foi desde o inicio um desafio e só a certeza de que ia valer a pena ver o resultado final me fez continuar. Desmachei e recomecei tantas vezes que lhe perdi a conta e várias vezes foi dada como pronta, mas depois houve sempre qualquer coisa que me fez voltar atrás e refazer. Acabou por não correr muito mal, afinal de contas foi feita em pouco mais de 6 meses!
Para agora ainda está um bocadinho grande mas é uma saia de verão e até lá estou mais do que certa que a Mafalda cresce o suficiente para a saia lhe servir na perfeição.
Não me sobrou vontade de fazer outra para a Teresa até porque adaptar novamente as medidas para uma saia mais pequena ia ser outro desafio, e de qualquer forma será inevitável que a Teresa quando chegar à idade da Mafalda acabe por a vestir também! Em vez disso resolvi aproveitar o algodão que sobrou para outro projeto de verão que tenho a certeza que vai fazer as delicias das pequenotas da familia. Mas isso é para outro dia!

Some projects makes us happy when they finally get done, and then there are projects that bring a huge relieve when they are finally done!
This project was a challenge from 1st stitch and only the certainty that it would be worth seeing the result made me continue. I restarted it so many times that I lost count and several times it was pronouncedready, but then there was always something that made me go back and redo.
For now it’s still a little big for Mafalda to wear but it is a summer skirt and until then I am more than certain that she will grow enough to fit the skirt perfectly.
I do not feel like doing another one for Teresa. I would have to adapt the measures again for a shorter skirt and that would be another challenge, and anyway is inevitable that Teresa will weare this skirt when she reach the age ofMafalda! Instead I decided to use the cotton leftovers for another summer project that I’m sure will make the delightsof the little girls of my family. But that’s for another day!