Children Backpack Pattern!

This week it’s back to school time in Portugal! And I had a costum order for a very special girl gooing for the first time to kindergarden!

children backpack

I made this backpack using my Back To School pattern and it keeps getting better every time! I love this pattern!

Children backpack

I made a matching piping cord and used sequins with flower and leaf shapes to add a special touch.


I love this fabric and finding it was like a one in a million thing. I never saw anything like it again, but still have some of it om my backpack kits See kits here.

The pattern cames with an inseide pocket and it’s really usefull.


I aldo made a bag for a change of cloths matching the backpack.

DSCN3192_1 The owl backpack was totaly loved and that’s what really matters and now this little girl is going happier to school!

Happy Back to School Time!

Children Backpack Pattern #3

Made to fit her taste, with colors, fabrics and applications chosen by her. It isn’t a school backpack because she is already too big for that. It is a jealousy backpack because I made two for Teresa (here) and she wanted one for herself. She is a girl who loves bags, little bags, big bags and all sorts of bags and she spends hours shoving everything in her bags and so I decided to make her will.

It took a long time to get ready, so long that I lost count of time and somewhere along the way I also lost enthusiasm I needed for ending it. Nothing that has not been resolved and that so here it is the backpack!

Wanna make one yourself? Try my pattern!

[cryout-button-color url=”” color=”#4C0B5F”]”Back to School” Backpack Pattern[/cryout-button-color]

Children Backpack Pattern #2

Another backpack. The more I make the simpler they get to do! The monkey was a request of Bia, and the colors are my responsibility, but almost guarantee success, as it has green and orange, the favorite colors of her mom!

For this backpack I choose to use a dark blue jeans, a dot print fabric and a white corduroy.

I used my own piping cord and loved the result. Makes a beautiful highlight and because it’s in the same print it doesn’t add more visual information to the backpack but it highlights it. I not always enjoy working with prints so intense, especially when the project involves other parts overlapping and other elements to combine, because it becomes hard to find the point at which visual information is the necessary and sufficient, without beeing to excessive or to little.

The fabric liner is the same as that of the outer pocket and has a small interior pocket.

The has a melted plastic zipper with large teeth and is easy to slide, as it’s meant to be easily used by children.

The Monkey apliqque is in the exterior pocket, that opens and closes with Velcro tape. It is made of felt because no I didn’t found a fabric that would work best as a monkey. The ears are only stitched to the head to give some 3D effect and nostrils are made of two small Fimo buttons made ​​by me. The eyes make this monkey super sweet!

I used another of my Fimo buttons, just to make it oh! so charming!

The bag for the change of clothing is made ​​in the same printed fabric of the backpack and has an application in the mouth of brown bias tape, just to make the set.

Everything is ready! I wish a great school year to Bia and to all boys and girls, in particular those who will attend a new school!

Do you want to make your own backpack? You can get my “Back to School” backpack patterm here:

[cryout-button-color url=”” color=”#FF8000″]”Back To School” Backpack Pattern[/cryout-button-color]

Children Backpack Pattern #1

Teresa went to school at the end of March, and I really wanted to make her a backpack where she could take her diapers and her change of clothes. She is vain and always reacts very well to things I make, she clings to them, grabs them and so I thought she’d like a backpack just for her.

The outside fabric is red coduroy and outer pocket is also corduroy but in white. I wanted to make a doll and picked a mushroom, just because I like it and I think have a sweet and fresh look. To make this backpack I started making fimo buttons, because I needed some flowers, and by rambling a lot I ended in these butterflies, which served as inspiration for others!
I also applied the letters of her name in the space left. I’m not a great fan of putting names on childen stuff but this was a nice way to reduce the contrast between the red backpack fabric and white pocket fabric.

The interior of the backpack is the same fabric as the head of the mushroom. The polka dots always give a special touch, and if used sparingly can really make a difference in a project. I also made a pocket inside thinking of smaller things.

The zipper is plastic with wide teeth to give resistance and survive in the hands of the little princess. The backpack contornes are enhanced with pajamas ribbon and the handles are adjustable in height.

Ficou perfeita! Ou quase porque a dimensionei para o tamanho real da Teresa e não para o tamanho das necessidades de tralha da Teresa! Acabou por se mostrar demasiado pequena para levar para a escola mas perfeita para pequenas coisas ou brinquedos.

It is perfect! Or almost… I drew the backpack to fit the actual size of Theresa and not to fit the size of Teresa’s needs! Turned out to be too small to take to school but perfect for small toys or stuff.

So I made some pattern changes and made a bigger backpack. I really wanted to try some aplique work with the sheep fur fabric and really liked the result. I left the ears in 3D which gives it a funny look. As in the previous backpack, the subject is applied in the outside pocket, and apart from the sheep has also some yellow flowers and a ribbon with a picot income, to simulate grass.

The outside fabric is a blended jeans fabric in a dark/navy blue. It has yellow filaments in the fiber blend, wich I coordinated with zipper, straps and piping cord.

It is well wider than the first backpack and also higher. It looks more like a backpack of a first grader, I doubt she could carry it full on her back. But I’m the one who carries the backpack so the important fact is to have all the necessary things inside the backpack.

The straps are also adjustable and has a handle at the top, to facilitate transport and to be hung on the hanger.

The liner left me a bit hesitant, but I ended choosing this fabric from IKEA with hearts of many colors, including yellow. Not my favorite print but this one works good in a small work. It has the same interior pocket as the first backpack.

Now it seems that I got the perfect backpack pattern! And the best is that Teresa loved the sheep.

Do you want to make your own backpack? You can get my “Back to School” backpack patterm here:

[cryout-button-light url=””]Back To Shcool Backpack Pattern[/cryout-button-light]