Waldorf Doll #3

The first Mary doll was born in May. It took me just a few days till I have a wig and a face, legs and arms. But it took a long time till I got her dressed, first because I wanted to make a poncho and then because I wanted to make some pants and finally made the shoes!

Dressed and with the right haircut my first Maria doll is finally ready!

I really like the way she looks. Anyway I’ve always wanted a doll like this. Waiting 33 years to see it coming out of my hands was well worth it. Despite being happy with the result, the doll pattern needs some changes, first in size and second in the shape of the feet. But for that other dolls will be born.

And the next one will be much smaller, not only to match the head, but also to have children friendlu size. You see, this doll is almost the same size of a 3 months baby!

Now she just needs a name. Have any ideas? Share them in the comment box!

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