In the end of April I was invited to a wedding and as soon as I got invited I start thinking in the possibility of making the girls dresses.
I was higgly motivated because I stumbled across some photos of a Cristhening dress I made as an order I took a few years ago. After all this years I finally agree I made a really good job back then! So I thought why not?
I had a litlle more than a month to pull this off! 3 dresses from scratch with so little time was very challenging but I made it!
First thing was deciding on the pattern. I endup buying my patterns on, mostley because I’m very impulsive when it comes to sewing. I like to start my projects as soon as I can and use all the passion energy. I buy my patterns in a digital format nor in paper and this way I can get them as soon as I pay for them. I still have the hard work or printing and put all the sheets together to make that huge pattern sheet.
This process is quite simple as you get access to an account that stores all the patterns you buy from them and you can print them as many times as you want. Then you have to install a software on you computer and this is from where you’ll print the patterns in any size your printer can print.
You can print the pattern and cut directly from your paper sheet because you’ll be able to print it again and again! Or you can store this and use sewing papper.
This way I was ready to start ASAP! I ended upo choosing to Mccall’s patterns: Mccalls 6685 and Mccall’s 6496. I made Mafalda dress from Mccalls 6685 and Teresa dress was made with the bodice from 6685 and the skirt from the C view 6496.


mccalls 6494
Sofia dress was made with m6494 but I made the bodice from view A and the skirt from view B. It was fun playing with the pattern pieces.
After choosing the pattern I chose the fabrics. I’ve been buying fabrics from, a fabric store based on Germany. It has a great variety of fabrics and has a reasonable price/quality relation. I do find that their shipping and handling time is a bit bigger than it could be, but it’s an EU store and so I don’t have to worry with customs charges and exchange rates. And around here it’s getting harder to find this kind of fabrics in local stores.
And in just a little more than 1 month I sucessfully made 3 dresses! I just couldn’t get my models to make a decent pose but they were quite bored at this stage of the wedding and it was to hot to exist!
They don’t look so bored from behind!
Sofia was always in a great mood! Just let her be and she’s fine!
I learned a lot making this dresses and specially I learned that I have to be quite carefull cutting my pattern pieces right. Sometimes I tend to be slopy and when I put the pievies together they don’t play along well. It happend when I was sewing the zippers and I couldn’t match the back pieces together in place! I had to make it right so I could sew the zipper and have a perfect clean finish look.
And it was also challenging to sew lace fabrics. It was my first time and they can be quite temperamental to work with but the good thing is that lace fabrics are quite good at hidding the mess 🙂 So no worries in here!
I am happy with the way they came out! And if I had to chose one as my favorite I would choose Sofia yellow dress. I don’t know if it’s because it’s smaller or if it’s because it has more colors on or simply because she makes it shine on her!
What’s your favorite dress?
Maria, beautiful dresses for beautiful young ladies – well done! Thanks, too, for the link.
Thank you Kate! It’s always a pleasure to see you here!