Every baby needs a cuddle, whether it’s a quilt or a woolen blanket. And I’m always jumping from quilts to wool blankets.
And this time I choose to work in wool and made a crochet blanket in harlequin stitch. It’s really simple to make and not it doesn’t get boring. It works in all color scheems and even works in a blanket for grown-ups! While on the photo my stripes are vertical the blanket is crocheted in horizontal stripes.
I kept the blue as main color as this blanket is for a baby boy, but since I made Sofia baby blanket I’m in love with the trilogy gray, yellow and white. In fact this color scheme is the same as the one I used on Sofia blanket but the 3 shades of purple and pink have been replaced by shades of blue!
I also made a simple border with only a shell line around using the darker blue and ended eith a slip stitch in yellow. The nice thing about this border is that merges beautifully with the blanket.
This is a very soft baby blanket and it’s big enough to wrap a baby and small enough to be easily portable with the baby!
I have a feeling that I will make this project again!
Don’t you think this is the perfect baby gift ever?
Do you want to try this stitch? Fell free to use my free tutorial!
[cryout-button-light url=”http://meiasmarias.com/documents/MeiasMarias%20Tutorial%20Arlequim%20Stitch.pdf”]Harlequin Stitch[/cryout-button-light]